Content related to Web Assembly.
Content related to Web Assembly.
At Versatus, we’ve chosen Web Assembly (WASM) as a target for our Smart Contract execution, as well as other general compute use cases such as Serverless Functions. As with any technology, it’s easy to get caught up in all of the hype. This quick article aims to lay out some of the reasons why we’ve chosen to use Web Assembly for these use cases.
The Web3 space is littered with single-purpose, custom languages for writing things like Smart Contracts. There are technical reasons why this is the case for some chains, but it increases the barrier to entry for new developers and isn’t necessary. By targetting Web Assembly for compiled Web3 components, developers are free to use the language of their choice in the IDE of their choice with the debugging and testing tools of their choice.
Just as we shouldn’t necessarily need to dictate which programming language a Web3 developer writes their code in, we feel that they shouldn’t care what hardware the code is eventually executed on. They certainly shouldn’t have to compile their code for one architecture when testing their code and for another architecture entirely when they wish to deploy and run their code.
Using the ever-growing set of tools for compiling many common (and some uncommon) languages to the common Web Assembly instruction set gives us a common execution target regardless of the programming language and regardless of the underlying hardware.
By default, Web Assembly is just a simple instructions for a virtual CPU. There are no networks or files or devices. This alone gives us a very small surface area to secure. We want to secure the network and the general population from malicious software, and we want to protect the resources of the hosts running the software from misuse or overuse. At the same time, we also want to protect the running software from outside attack. Out of the box, Web Assembly makes it easier for us to contain and secure the executing software.
The Web Assembly Systems Interface (WASI) is a set of extensions to WASM that allow us to selectively and carefully enable some basic I/O functionality, including potential file access or potential network access. Rather than these being a simple on/off switch, we can strictly limit these calls and resources and whitelist only what we know to be necessary and safe.
It is possible for someone like Versatus to extend a WASM runtime to include new functionality. This can be done in a number of ways, including adding new WASI calls, modifying the underlying implementation of existing WASI calls, or making use of the proposed component model to add new functionalities.
Consider the case where a developer is fairly new to Web3, understands how Content Addressable Storage (CAS) works in Web3, but doesn’t have the bandwidth to totally come up to speed with the inner workings of IPFS and the APIs needed to interact with it. With some extension to the WASM runtime shipped by Versatus, the following Rust code excerpt could potentially be all that is needed by that developer to retrieve the contents of a file from IPFS:
let data = std::fs::read("/ipfs/QmRgKAxcwi6aJUUA3DGnEUVXNEEocyhqweWRqvxjHh3i5z");
The virtual path /ipfs
could be intercepted and handled by Versatus, allowing us to handle the complexities of IPFS and making it trivial for a developer to work with Web3 content.
Web Assembly (WASM) isn’t just for web browsers. It does help us to solve a number of issues around portability, security and simplicity, as described above. It will change the way a number of types of applications and services are deployed more widely in the industry. It isn’t perfect for every situation, and Versatus ourselves have other use cases where we won’t be using Web Assembly. We don’t believe that it will change the way operating systems work any time soon, as is suggested in this great article, but it will certainly have a lot of impact on the way some types of applications are developed and deployed and mtaintained in the future.